Live-in Care

Live-in care through Mega Care is a popular alternative to going and live in a care home. This is helpful when an individual who wants to live at home is no longer able to without help.

A professionally trained carer lives with you in your own home to provide full-time care whenever you need it. Live-in care is a wonderful, welcome alternative to residential care. No upheaval, no disruption and allows you to be independent, stay close to friends, keep pets and maintain all your hobbies.

Live-in care usually includes personal care, (washing, dressing, supporting morning and night-time routines), supervision of medication, helping with jobs around the house, cleaning, cooking and of course companionship.

With live-in care, a compassionate support staff from Mega Care will move into your home to provide you with round the clock assistance whenever you need it. We carefully select a carer who will suit your personality, lifestyle sand person centred needs.

Our live-in care service provides you and your loved ones with all the support you need. In the initial stages of our live-in care service, a friendly member of our team will carry out a care needs assessment and listen carefully to your needs. This gives us an insight into all of your requirements.

The following are some of the tasks our carers help with:

  • Mobility
  • Personal Care (showering, bathing, shaving and oral hygiene)
  • Getting dressed
  • Using the toilet
  • Emptying the commode or bottle
  • Food preparation, feeding, cutting up food
  • Prompting or administering or ordering medication

Our live-in carers will also provide: companionship, meal preparation, light housework, domestic administration, recreational support and support with shopping trips or running errands.

We are able to accommodate any length of time you may require a carer. Many of our live-in carers will work on a 2 – 3 weeks rotation.

At Mega Care, our ultimate goal is to enrich your lifestyle in the comfort and familiarity of your own home. This allows you to live the independent lifestyle that you love without the daunting thought of moving into a care home.

If you would like more information about our Live-in care service, we’re here to help or answer any questions you might have. Feel free to contact us.